Steve's Wishlists
Taking a leaf from Tobi's book, I have decided to create my own
Amazon Wishlist
so that you lucky people can show your appreciation
of my software skills by sending me presents. People who do so will get a
mention not only on this page, but also in the software About page as well -
a huge amount of fame and recognition, for such a small cost. You can also
feel pleased that you have helped to support the development of free software
in the original spirit of the Internet (add a stirring patriotic soundtrack
to that last statement). Finally, I also give priority to feature requests
that come from contributors.
I've also set up a FishPond Wishlist -- this is a New Zealand based company very similar to Amazon. A smaller range of products, but much cheaper shipping as they're in the same country as I am.
Don't want to send me something from Amazon? Well, there are items below uk£10
on the wishlist, as well as the more expensive items, but there are
other ways to show your appreciation - such as sending a postcard,
for example.
Many thanks to:
- Pall Wiberg Joensen, Faroese Telecom, Faroe Islands
- Ben Higgins, Dovetail Internet, USA
- Mike Bernhardt, Arsin, USA
- EDS Europe
- Ruedi Kehl, Manor AG, Switzerland (twice!)
- Allied Domecq, UK
- Rob
- Peter Cohen, Telia, USA
- Jay Christopherson
- David Hares, Network One
- Reuben Farrelly, Netfilter, Australia
- Network Operations, Roche Diagnostics GmbH, Germany
- Keith Johnson, UK
- J Herrera, Brown Publishing
- Kristin Gorman, New York, USA
- Inigo T Storm, ASV AG, Hamburg, Germany
- M Williams, London, UK
- Joseph Truong, USA
- Babul Mukherjee, The Montopolis Group, San Antonio, USA
- Matevz Turk, Slovenia
- Barry Basselgia; the most generous contributor so far
- Gary Higgs
- Scott Monk, USA
- Robert Gibson, Texas, USA
- Andrew McClure, Santa Barbara, USA
- Innokentiy Georgeievskiy, Moscow, Russia (Twice!)
- Kirsten Johnson
- Matti Wiersmuller, Switzerland
- University of Auckland, New Zealand
- Steven Hay, Alberta, Canada.
- Dan Lowry, Scituate, USA
- Alan Dean, Prospect, USA
- Thomas Thong, Alameda, USA
- Steve McDonald, Indiana, USA
- Harry Edmondson, USA
- Saul Herbert/Hugh David, ADV Films, UK and USA
- Various generous but anonymous people
- See the Help page in the routers.cgi application for another list.
S Shipway 2006