Recent Events

  1. Moving to New Zealand
  2. Getting a job at Auckland University
  3. Getting engaged to Meiling
  4. Getting married...
  5. Hangliding experience in the Peak district
  6. Obtaining motorcycle licence, and a motorcycle (Yamaha XJ600N)
  7. Teaching dance in Swindon
  8. Setting up website (you're looking at it)
  9. Fixing up an old house I just bought in Oct 95.
  10. Driving across the USA on Route 66 (at least part of the way). This is a link to my American Holiday page.
  11. Narrowboat trip
  12. Having my Silly Song placed on the Sysadmin Recovery website.
  13. Driving an HGV (articulated lorry, for any 'merkins who may be looking in)
  14. Setting up a Netware 4 WAN over ISDN
  15. Organised the DOOM weekends, for people to come and play multiplayer games
  16. Having an Oracularity digested! (OK so it scored only 2.9, but it was listed)
  17. Writing a poem

Steve Shipway